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The Sioux Empire Pride Sports Association (SEPSA) is dedicated to creating an inclusive environment for everyone, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, color, national origin, age, disability (physical or mental), sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, parental status, pregnancy status, marital status, political affiliation, military and veteran status, as well as mental health status, socioeconomic status or background, neuro(a)typicality, or physical appearance.

The membership of SEPSA is united by these values, and we celebrate our differences. We will not tolerate sexism, racism, transphobia or homophobia.

We will work continuously to combat the effects of discrimination in our leagues and in our communities.

If any member feels they have a grievance, the Board of Directors fully encourages them to bring the issues to the grievance committee.  Before formally filing a grievance, we respectfully request that members first consider the following:

  • Contact your Team Manager – Any issues with a teammate, we encourage members to take their concerns to the team manager.
  • Contact your League Commissioner – If issues can’t be resolved within the team, or if the issues are with another team.
  • Contact the Grievance Committee – If the above methods of resolution have not been successful – OR – if the member feels uncomfortable taking the above steps.

Submit a Grievance

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